Been a long time since I’ve written here… I know everyone’s interested to know just what the heck is happening with Rogue Touch 2.0 and Spirit Hunter Mineko! Those projects are still very much alive, but not directly my topic today. My current activity with those projects actually allowed me to stumble across one more excellent indie Kickstarter project that I think deserves some attention here: TinyKeep
Recently I was searching for a few more dungeon generation techniques and some AI articles to get ideas for enhancing Mineko, and stumbled across Phi Dinh’s work in these areas… he has written articles and created a few videos on these topics while working on his vision for TinyKeep (really worth checking out if you’re technically minded!).
As it turns out, TinyKeep is a realtime dungeon crawler with some neat procedural dungeon generation, and lots of clever AI. Or at least it will be when it’s done! This is where roguelike and dungeon crawler fans need to come to the rescue… Phi has only a few days left for his TinyKeep Kickstarter and could really use some love and support from the community.
I’ve donated to his Kickstarter cause already, and hope that some of you can help by donating as well. Phi’s a great guy with some really smart ideas, I would love to see him succeed with TinyKeep.
(I promise that you’re going to see a lot more of me soon… Big plans and announcements are afoot!)